Monday, 14 April 2008


The way things happen these days has considerably changed from how they were happening earlier. I guess, desultory change is beginning to like me [:P]. Thankfully, of the many things that keep treading here and there, few turn out to be so eventful that one forgets if he/she has to thank the stars for that, or any person or the like!

I happened to go to this Telugu movie called 'Happy days' with a friend of mine - Kiran. Why is it mentionworthy? Simply because, i don't follow telugu that well, and the decision to go to the movie was made in a very short time. I somehow take a fancy toward fast decisions. There's no thrill in planning stuff you see. [;)]

The movie is a very good movie. In short, it was about the four year hostel life (that was like four weeks) during our engineering. I won't bother to talk about how good or sound it was, technically or the acting prowess of any of the actors, because, that is not what i intend to do, atleast not here. When Kiran and I got out of the cinema hall, there was a feeling.

A feeling, that i can still sense. In a jiffy, i could see myself, furiously moving up and down the hostel corridor, talking to all my friends, having the time of my life, all changes that hostel life made of us (please, don't minutely bother to relate this to the hostel movie, which i saw just a few days back!!), the variegated attitudes, myriad types of people we got acquainted ourselves with... GOSH!!! 4 years. FOUR years. Gone in a snap!

That day, i wanted to listen to "Those were the best days of my life" over, over and over again. I had heard it earlier, but, you can relate best to a song when you get the same feeling. It just gives you goose bumps when the frequencies match!

The impact the movie had on me was tremendous. Even today, after around 3 months of watching the movie, i can sense an urge in myself to revisit my college days!

Relations made, relations broken, misunderstandings, ego clashes, petty impish fights, bonding, a feeling of 'wanting to make a difference', midnight talks, skipping dinners because of them, waiting for fests to participate in them, taking responsibilities, mimicking professors, lamenting over results, the first mobile phone (for many), the incessant messaging, those novels in class, i can go on and on!!

Bryan Adams was right, 'those WERE the best days of my life!'.

Cut to the present.

People claim to not have time! I wonder how, i wonder why! Relations made fail to sustain, distance wears them out, distance, not only by metres, but also by communication cessation, barring the few people who needn't be in regular contact to maintain the rapport, few people in contact, also makes the misunderstandings, the clashes and fights look thin, in stark contrast; the feeling of 'makin a difference' still is, but, it gets classified as 'looks good, but difficult to do' category, no fests, no tests, no results, no midnight talks, no time!! Conversions of prepaid sims to postpaid, "Hey, when i can call and speak to you, why should i message?" Sounds familiar? Oh yeah, it does. How frequent is it being put to use? [:)]

On a second thought, the days keep rolling by, and it is upon the individual to make the best of everyday, rather than cherishing something already had. Its not wrong to enjoy, but, in the enjoyment of the memories, one has to remember that one needs to create more memories to enjoy later, which incidentally, is NOW.

Life is short indeed. Time keeps flying. Fun and enjoyment should rule over it, rather than cribbing and overthinking.

I made a mention about relations not 'required' to be in contact. They are special. When you feel that it is such a burden to maintain the relation, revisit your GoldEN days and see what you had, and what you have. You'll know what to do. Go ahead, don't wait for tomorrow to tell THE person how much he/she means to you. Don't let time get ahead of your thoughts!