Its been a month. Well, more than a month since I came back.
No A/C. No silent streets. No high speed internet. No constant alcohol parties. But, I don’t feel like a stranger in my own house. Probably the only things I miss now are the internet and a few friends. But nothing life threatening. :)
Friends, more so because of the impromptu discussions that would start without a preamble. Because of the impromptu movies we would start, no matter what time it would be. It was a little similar to hostel life. It was fun.
After months of frustration and practically assuming that there was no point wasting time in waiting for the market to pick up, I took the risk, and came back. I’ve heard from people that its much better here, but I’m yet to experience it. I know its a matter of time.
Only how long ever that takes, gets frustrating with each passing moment. Again, as always, there are two sides to every story. I either wake up everyday and crib about my state or see new things beyond what is apparently seen. Like someone said, (honestly don’t know who) ‘One would reduce his vision if there is a lot on one’s mind’. :)
One misconception I’d was that I could barge into any company and just pester them to give me a job. Apparently, the farthest I can probably get is only till the security, which would do no good. Hell, they shooed me out of the Chemical Department of IISc., asking me to mail them first and then come ‘only when called’ :P.
So, its more or less akin to what I had been doing in the US . The only breather is that there are umpteen people who can be talked to and pestered here and there is a much lesser percentage of people ‘fake-promising’. Atleast, so I hope.
[What coincidence! Now playing: Send me an angel - The scorpions]
Nothin much happening otherwise. Musically, we did jam more than a couple of times. We jammed quite a bit, the only period of lull being the last few days. Got my Creative 4.1 speakers repaired, on which I’d lost hope altogether. God Bless that electrician! Feels out of the world to listen to Maiden on these speakers.
Met almost all my friends, felt nice. Not very nice since most are either getting engaged, in the line to get married, married, or celebrating their wedding anniversaries. :D
The best part has to be the food. Ten days of my coming here, had a friend’s house warming ceremony to attend. That was my first rendezvous with sumptuous food. Another house warming ceremony followed. And just recently, there was a big reunion of sorts during one of my friend’s wedding. About 15 of us, most of whom I got to see after 4 years. Felt great. Glad I didn’t miss it. :)
All in all, I must say it feels great to be back. The driving, the pushing and shoving, the food, the sweets, the people, the noise, the crowd, the weather, the dust, the pollution, everything.
Hope something happens on the job front soon! After all, a person who loses faith really doesn’t have anything more to lose.