Thursday, 5 November 2015

Questions of the myriad entity

Where is my life headed?

The common question we all face at a point of time. That very time we would want to stop what we are doing and retrospect in all faith as to what we've basically been upto. Sometimes, we get an answer, sometimes we don't. However, the answer is very simple. Life's headed where we are taking it to.

Might sound lame, might sound cheesy. But yeah, there is no fantasy that'll happen in life. There's no magic in life. There'll be no film like moments when you'll get a wave of realisation or you'll get enlightenment by some means which will show you where you need to head. The "film like" reference forces me to bring up something here. I learnt recently from a very reliable source that all these tele serials that are on TV do not have a said script. The shooting is begun, the serial is aired on TV and slowly, based on audience response, the requirement of a prime slot by a bigger TRP drawing series and some such reasons, the script is tweaked. That explains why some series, at least in regional languages go on and on, or stop abruptly. Please don't judge me, I don't have time here to do a whole lot of things, let alone watch tele serials.

The reference of this ad hoc arrangement being very clear, it somehow pointed at me how we should all adapt ourselves to where we want to go, or at least where we intend to go. Yes, we all go through regret, we all repent, we all go through low confidence phases. We all might not outrightly display it, some might, in various forms. Its normal. Its all okay. Only if its in limited doses. What we must probably learn from all or either of these phases is to let go and reorient. Hell, when most of the inventions of the world [for which we (ok, few) worship the people responsible] have happened by chance, it is something to realise that there is no preset formula for how life goes on. There is really no point ruing over how we did something earlier which doesn't benefit us now. Or, the corollary, how something great might happen later on which will change everything.

There is just one simple thing life tells us to do. The past is painful. The future is anyone's guess. Live today. That's your life.