Saturday, 23 September 2017

Life, as we know it, or do we?

What is life? No, seriously, what is it?

I know, we all know that there are atleast one zillion ways you can answer that. Some people who have tried on doing many a things and have failed would probably tell you that life’s a compromise. The other lucky ones who have tasted success by doing what they always wanted would probably tell you that everything is just great. A guy on the road who’s starving and begs to fill his stomach or probably his kids’ would tell that life is miserable. A teenager would define it in his own way, so would anyone, based on their own experiences, or the way they have been going through things in their lives. But the bottom line is, what is it any way?

With the current state of mind, I honestly don’t know. I don’t know if it’s about compromises, if it’s about achieving, if it’s about just going with the flow, if it’s just pleasing someone for whatever reasons. It gets a little tricky to make a general definition for this question. Just today, a while back, I saw something that said something like this - “why do they say that life’s short when that’s probably one of the longest things you ever have?” Well, that’s kinda true. I think why they say life’s short is mainly because of the encouraging vibe that line gives. Come on, life’s short, let’s do this, let’s do that and so on. Is it really like that? Does it happen that way? Who knows?

What life becomes is eventually a mystery. We start with something in mind, it takes it own turn, adapting to the uncertainties of time. And then by the time we realise something, it’s all too late. It’s very comforting to say that a good time is going to come, that times change and all that. I’m not saying it never will, it’s one thing to hope but another thing to realise the practicality of it. 

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Random Ramble - 3

Well, hello.

One of those days where you open blogger after what seems like ages without a set agenda in mind. You really don't know where to begin, what to address or what to ramble upon. I should probably start naming these in sequence. But again, for the frequency of my writing, I might not even remember the previous number. I'm quite sure there is at the very least, more than one blog which says random something. Anyways, let me begin, somehow.

So, its September. The dreaded month. This time, I think it is in conjunction with its predecessor, August. There was an onslaught of a very courageous mosquito(es) who escaped the electric bat and made their way into finding us and infecting all of our blood streams, resulting in quite a prolonged viral infection. It was quite terrible, with all of us at home sleeping through the day, unable to move a muscle. What's worse is that even through half of September, the body pains haven't reduced. Quite a strong mosquito, maybe. So since September joined hands with August, I'd not blame most of it on the 9th month.

End of August is when our own brand of shirts - Rue mode launched, under the aegis of That Corner Store. We started off this after a lot of planning and research. We have presence on Amazon and Snapdeal and lot of local orders. That's about the publicity I can do. Maybe we need to get a professional fashion blogger to talk about it and promote it.

One thing about working with a labour class oriented industry is that you learn a lot. Learn to explain small things, learn to do the same things in different ways and so on. Its been just over two years since I started working here and boy, it is taxing. Draining mentally more than physically. To top it all, you find clients who screw you over and just when you are settling, demonetisation hits you in the face again. Problems are endless, but again, if everything went smooth, what would be memorable?

Nope. Still don't have anything concrete to talk about. Rather, there is just so much to talk about. I should probably revisit with a little more organisation in thought.
