Sunday, 15 April 2018


Boy, I missed writing.

Its quite easy to play the blame game and escape out of it, but the bottom line is that there isn't a dearth of ideas. Its the dearth of passion to execute them and write down a couple of paragraphs once in a while. There is a very oft used word for that in the lexicon. Its called LAZY.

I guess I wanted to write about something a few weeks back when I (re)heard a beautiful song. I'm somehow not in the frame of mind to write about it today. Even if I force myself to, it might just not receive as much attention it needs to. So, I'm postponing that for now. That might come up sometime soon.

I was just wondering about innate characteristics of people (to be strictly read as me) (yes, I'm self centred). No, seriously. There are traits and then there are the ones you are known for. The kinds that people can associate you with. The kinds that the trustworthy ones can close their eyes and vouch for you about it. About your trait. That trait is something that becomes more of an identity for yourself. When there are these thoughtful questions that say - "Describe about yourself without talking about your achievements or your lineage", that actually keeps you thinking what you are. We all like bragging about what we've done. When that part is taken out of the equation, what do you talk about yourself? I don't know of a lot of people who can answer that without batting an eyelid.

Now imagine a situation where in, in due course of time, that trait dies out. You are very good at adapting and you choose to let go of your innate characteristics. There are a lot of things at play here. It is not that one day you are what defines you and boom, the second day you are no longer that person. Its not that. Its a gradual weakening of your ideology, of your principles and a definite change toward something. Now, change is change, just like news. The good and bad of it is a perspective. Only if it is Tai lung escaping prison, its bad news.

So who judges this change? The other people around you who are also dynamically changing and are probably grappling with their own imbroglios of life. In case it didn't occur to you, even their perspective toward you would change.

All changes apart, there is an innate nature. Someone can't just turn away from that. No matter what happens in life, I think we should never give up on our identity, especially if we have spent a lot of time in crafting it. I still remember when we were releasing the band's debut album. Every artist who came on stage to talk about it, kinda spoke about the ideology of the band. Despite featuring big stalwarts, the band's idea hadn't changed. I'd like to say that it hasn't changed today too. Now, is that a good thing or a bad thing? On one hand, I say change is dynamic. On the other, I say that few things shouldn't. Now, is it a good thing or a bad thing if that applies to people and their nature? How far a degree of tenacity is permissible? How far a degree of adaptability is permissible?

The best judge at the end of it all, is I guess what you want at that point of time. Which also, sadly, is dynamic.

Gosh. This sounds worse than a dream inside a dream. Wait, was that changing too?