It’s really kinda hard to accept the fact that there was no customary December or January blog post. It should have either been the recap of the year that was, or a very neutral emotion of looking forward for what 2020 would bring in. The fact is that, to make time for this blog post, it took me a little bit of time searching. And its February. But better late than never. Happy new year!
January went by like a breeze, a chilly, fast, breeze. Things went by - good, bad and ugly. I think most part of 2019 was also like that. There were some surprises that time brought in, some courage that the situations showed me on to, some tough decisions, some laughter, some crying, lot of alcohol, and a shit load of unachieved crap. It’s good that way, because you have a remainder to carry forward and start from there, but bad because the balance is never fucking ending.
I made a write up in the beginning of 2019. I called it Vision 35/Mission 2020. I give fancy names like that (sometimes only, strictly). It sounds very movie like. I liked the ring it has to it. Most part of the goals or objectives that had to be achieved are still in tact. Consistency is good, but the execution isn’t.
Anyways, with two topics that I kinda wanted to write about, the first was Legacy. Not the dictionary meaning of inheritance, but more like a person’s legacy. It’s something that hit me about it a few weeks back. It’s always spoken of when there is a certain quantum to it in terms of importance. Or, if I may, after a person passes away or moves away from your life. But do we not realise that the legacy is created during the course of life itself? I mean, of course, every day can’t be historical or monumental to a regard where everyone comes out and praises you for what you’ve done. The same way that every song that’s composed can’t become an anthem. But, even the minutest of the things that a person does that defines him, becomes his legacy. The minute the person chooses to step out of that, its kinda like an identity loss. Don’t get me wrong. I am not even subtly hinting at being closed to the idea of change. Change is constant. Everything, everyone - you including, are changing at this very moment. It’s not the change that I’m averse to. It’s the acceptance of the change without heeding to your own intrinsic trait is what is lethal. While there are aspects of you that change, there are certain things that don’t. The certain things that don’t change probably have come to define you over time. By trying to change, or by relenting to worldly stuff and trying to fit in, how does an individual retain his identity? Not everyone has the legacy that a chameleon does. The poor thing does that not to fit in, but its a trait. It’s just sad that the colour, a physical entity that changes there, is attributed to a more psychological thing in us, humans.
I wanted to conclude, but I realised there isn’t one coming up. It’s just an unanswered open thought. Why does this happen? How can people completely give up an ideology that they are known for or associated with, in favour of trying to blend in? What do you want to be remembered for? For a person who stood for nothing? For a person who changed so much that no one knew who he was? It’s like what people used to tell me all through school because I was good at imitating teachers. “Don’t imitate them, you’ll forget the way you talk yourself”. If that had happened indeed, I’d not be writing a blog on conserving identity.