So the happy new year has happened, although it remains to be seen how happy this one would be.
After quite a lot of expectations about 2020 and considering what it actually turned out to be, i think it was a very small lesson for the entire world which gave big learning on not to actually expect out of anything, out of anyone. The expectation about something upcoming makes one wait. So kinda takes away the whole ideology of living for now. So, all that said and done, it is finally goodbye, 2020.
As a flashback, the customary flashback, a group of friends and I went to Goa exactly a year back, hoping that our vacations would become more consistent and regular. Apart from that, the only other thing that was fruitful was the discovery of a lot of home hair care stuff. This, while also watching the new version of Mahabharat, something that would go on to create a strong influence on and in my life. Other than that it must have been trying to not lose my shit and grappling with the crisis. Oh, and also the teeny weeny start of playback singing that happened toward the end of the year.
New projects, new ideas generally don’t come to me when there is a lot of free time. You’d think it would be a piece of cake if it works like that, but no, destiny obviously has other plans. The busiest day is the day a zillion ideas come up. When there is not enough resource to even document it. And luckily if its documented, the free time tells my brain that the idea was fuck all anyways. So, its kinda back to the whole state of mind. It’s like the lesson learnt. When you want something to happen so bad, it actually doesn’t.
So now did I want 2020 to end and 2021 to begin? Ha ha. It’s more like a new day from now. That’s the only thing that might save us all.
Let’s see how time progresses.