Friday 22 March 2013

Random rambling - v2.32

Well, again, one of those days where I realise I've to write, but I just don't know what to write. Its like I start off with a working title and then I modify the body of the blog to suit the working title :P.

I get lost off late, (such a pity) whenever I think I've to write a blog. I'd promised myself that come what may, I'll be creative enough to come up with some topic - either something I hold close to my heart, or something about current affairs that could spark a debate or a controversy. Not that I'm (fully) aware of either, now, but I don't know, its somehow just slipped. But I promised myself today (again) that I'll write. I mean I should atleast keep writing if I intend writing a book as some people opine.

Book or no book, which is still a faraway thought, I thought how it'd actually be if I managed to write one anytime in life. For one, it would start once I complete the album. Two, I don't have to depend on studio availability or featuring artiste's availability. Three, four and five, it makes matters easier when you are fully in control (Yes, I do have OCD). Six, I need to decide if I can humour people or inspire them :).

I was thinking of a topic to write a book. The very fact that I'm putting it up on a public forum is for people to give me ideas. I think I'm less perturbed by the insecurity that someone else might write a book. No! I'm pretty sure individual treatments are unique. So, shoot off if you guys have any ideas.

On that note, I'm probably not as confident as my linguistic skills with my music. Perhaps, I'm, but I don't know. Maybe its because its all an extremely elaborate procedure that has (successfully, so far) drained our energies to magnanimous levels. How else can you explain a debut album in the making for 1 year, 10 months now? Well, on the flipside (really, a flip side?) we atleast love what we have (almost) come out with.

With a dearth of topics to blog, I sometimes feel I've lost touch with writing. Be it songs or blogs. Free mind is a virtue in matters of such regard, but free mind is a matter of well, the mind to say the least. All I mean is every creative process should be such that when you embark upon a wonderful journey playing around with music or words, your mind should become free. It is all because of the divinity imbibed in art forms, which is also the reason that is evident when art sees a form from an evolved person.

Well, before I start to aimlessly rant, let me retire with this short blog for now. Lot of exciting new stuff happening which I can't wait to share. But more on that, soon.

Let me end on a note that I put on twitter a few weeks back - Nervousness is what robs excitement of its charm. So live it, enjoy it and live it large.

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