Sunday 10 January 2016

The year that was (and that will be)

Happy new year folks!

Yes, that's it. No meandering bullshit about philosophy, no sulking about new year celebrations, no nothing. I thought let me at the very least, start this year's quota with a happy note. Note. Touché.

I wanted to start off the first blog of the year on a very thought provoking discussion about some crap that I came up with when I was driving to work a few days back, but I guess the topic wasn't strong enough. That explains why I forgot about it. Duh!

Coming to what I crib about, every year - the new year celebrations. This time, it was something that I'd never done so far. The band had a gig on 31st, albeit it didn't spill through midnight. We were out for dinner and random talk till 3 in the morning. All this, with people who mean the most. So, kinda no cribbing about that.

As for the year that went by, it couldn't have been a better coincidence that exactly an year back, I was a part of a band that released an album. Something that all of us worked on, something that had been a very dear project, something that was well delayed. No regrets on how it turned out to be, at the outset. But yes, there is always scope for improvement. Its as dynamic as life itself is.

Early months of the year was a bag of mixed emotions. My first Aero India show not even as a visitor, but as an exhibitioner (thanks to my ex employer). It was exciting. I recall staring at flights when I'd gone to HAL from school. Now, it was with a more informed crowd, involving a more mature discussion and with a more sophisticated Russian crowd (read that as chicks, please). This, along with a terrible accident a very dear friend went through which thankfully didn't escalate matters beyond the band losing a few gigs. Drummers are the life of the band, didn't anyone know? 

4th and 5th months. A sea change of perspectives in life. Starting from life itself, to God, to religion, to music, to faith, to belief. Probably came by as very dramatic for people who had to bear the brunt.

Mid year. One of the best decisions of my life to join a startup, help my friend to grow his company. No more details on that, not now at least. September - the most dreaded month turned out to be not so bad with my brother's (now bigger) family reminding that I'm indeed an uncle now. Mid October - a long yearned dream possession, finally. 

Culmination - two gigs back to back in the last few days of December.

There. That took less than ten minutes. I'm sure I've missed out on a lot of stuff. I'm sure I'm hiding a lot of ideas I've got there as well. I somehow feel thanksgiving must have been on 31st Jan rather than some weird day in November. I think I should make it a customary at least to do it, then.

A lot of things have happened, a lot of shit has happened. Let the bad things be, and so be the good things (I really can't forget anything important, bad or good). Whatever happened was for at least one good reason, which I don't know in entirety as of today. And for the people who made it all happen, most of who won't even read this blog, I owe it all to you people. You guys are the best.

Quite a new year blog there. Phew!

Had to make it a little different for entering the 8th year in succession.

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