Wednesday 16 September 2020

Mind games

It’s one of those times when you want to write. Open the window and keep staring into blank space till something actually strikes you. And then you open with a ramble.

September. I’d been blaming the poor month for all its bittersweet symphonies thus far in my life. Not sure if the same is valid for 2020. This has anyways been a landmark year from the time whatever had to happen, happened. Or was it something that shouldn’t have? We’d never know. Who’d know? Not us, for sure. But it pushes me to think if this was the plan. Was all this a part of the plan?

While there is one side which urges you to be positive, pushes you to stay motivated, the reality kinda bites in your ass. So I’ve kinda given up on all the false hopes. That said, how do you actually live? In constant trepidation of an uncertain, bleak future? Or is it a millennial YOLO exactly because the time is uncertain? Hobbes (of Calvin and Hobbes, yes) had shot it down long before the pandemic hit our shores. It took me an animated character to understand that we don’t live once. We live everyday. We die once. When will YOLO change to YODO?

While life has tried to come about to its usual, its only a matter of time till all of us start losing it. Thankfully, we are not confined to four walls, we have the internet and a little bit of work gets done physically. More than being confined, the fact that we don’t know how long this is going to last for is what is eating us up. 

I had read that the mind erases the bad things that have happened in the past. The good things keep flashing so that we feel good about something that has happened. The mind also plays around by projecting future scenarios for the exact same reason. When we hope for a certain visual we have in our head, we get inspired by it, and tend to work toward it. But when we get there, our mind already has shown us much better visuals to aim for. Talk about them mind games. 

What mind games do you let your mind play in uncertain times like these? Of course its rhetorical. I’m 100% sure none of my blog readers would be the survivors of our preceding pandemic. So is it a live today, lets see tomorrow or a hopelessly positive approach that’s beyond practicality that tomorrow’s a better day? 

Guess our best friend, “THE TIME”, has answers to all questions.

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