Thursday 5 September 2019

Give up or pursue?

I don't recall when the last time I was all charged up to blog. Maybe the last few times I was charged up alright, but being the typical me, I must have pushed it saying if its important, it'll come back to me. Yeah. I do that a lot.

The thing about being charged up is nice. Especially after you are not in such a good phase, mentally. (Glad I don't have to mention physically, gladder that I don't have to update this with a recent pic). One of the least expected things happens out of the least expected situations. More than that, its how you choose to apply it with what's happening which is what makes it beautiful. Life's all about relating things and coming a full circle, right? (Yeah, I do this too, a lot).

So like most of the blog entries I make, the subject that's addressed is generally a feeling about myself. In a way, it is trying to vent out pent up frustration sometimes, or just document it with no specific intent of the world to see it. Its more of a recounting my own writing ability which I generally do with the older blogs.

So after thinking last night - 'If you know something is never meant to be, should you pursue it or give up?', which didn't fetch any answer, I came across a Facebook memory. A post I'd written in 2011. It said - 'If you want something badly, you'll get it. If you have tried real hard and still not got it, it means you've not tried hard enough.' Add to that a few other realisations about dependence and other similar shit. Perfect blog recipe. Yay.

The point is, no one decides if its meant to be or not. Sorry, I mean, no one else decides that. When you say it's not meant to be, you are already accepting defeat. So with a mindset that its not going to work out, there is no point pursuing it. Fine, the universe conspires as a whole entity to get what you really want is a nice Shah Rukh Khan thing. But it will hold true and a lot of water to it only when the feeling is reciprocated with a certain degree of action. If you want to be 5 times better than yourself today, its obvious that you've to at least work 5 times as much. Just hoping that you'd get 5 times better than yourself tomorrow is not enough. Its of course, a conducive environment to make sure you get shit done, but standalone, it is of absolutely no value.

In that regard, the second post makes a lot of practical sense. Again, who defines how hard you have worked? Only you do. You are allowed to get tired, you are allowed to make mistakes. But coming to terms with adjustment is something that's not permissible. Not in my lexicon at least. I think its like those reps that you do, only till failure. That's the only fucking way out. For everything.

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